Popconvert's User Guide and Knowledge Base

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Quick Start with Popconvert

Quick Start with Popconvert


Welcome to Popconvert's User's Guide! 

In this article, we will show you the shortest way to get your first campaign up and running with no time following these easy steps:

  1. Generate the discount coupons you are planning to give away to subscribers on your Ecommerce Platform Panel. 
  2. Create your Account in Popconvert.
  3. Create your first campaign and choose a pre-built Template.
  4. Make sure all designs and texts are according to your taste in Designs Tab.
  5. Make sure you upload all discount coupons properly in Rewards Tab.
  6. Activate the Campaign and start collecting new leads and conversions.


Check out this video about Quick Start with Popconvert - The fastest way to launch your Pop-up campaign in your Website:



If you want to dive deeper on everything that Popconvert could do, please check out the next articles below.

Popconvert's Glossary

Popconvert's Glossary:


Free Trial: The trial runs for 7 days or until the account reaches the limit of 80 interactions of leads. If the website has high volume of traffic, the 80 leads might arrive pretty sooner than the 7 days while a low traffic website might not get enough traffic to consume all the 80 leads within the 7 days trial period.


My Account: Page where Popconvert will retrieve your data for displaying your campaigns, billing and taxes. Also where you add your Captcha V3 keys to connect the integration. Make sure you keep your My Account's page always up to date.


Installation: If you work with the main Ecommerce platforms in the market like BigCommerce, Shopify, Shopware, Prestashop, WooCommerce and many others, you can simply install one of our installation apps and the installation will be finished. In case you have a custom website or we don't provide an app for your Ecommerce Platform provider, no worries, our installation approach is super easy, by just copying and pasting our installation script into your website code you will get the same result, you can also count with the help of Google Tag Manager or other Tag Managers that you might have installed already to your website. You can find the installation script in Integrations > Your Website.


Leads / Subscribers: All your website users that opted to share at least their email address to participate in one of our pop-ups are considered a Lead. 


Impressions: Every time the user can actually see a Pop-up.


Interactions: Every time a User or Lead engage and interact with one of our Pop-ups.


Conversion into Interactions (%): It is calculated using the number of Impressions compared to the number of generated leads.


Users: Every website's visitor.


Gamified Pop-ups: Pop-ups that use Gamification in order to capture users attention and collect their opt-ins after an interactive experience.


Regular Pop-ups: Pop-ups with forms without any sort of interaction.


Sticky Bars: Bars that stick to the top or bottom of your website allowing users to keep browsing without interruption.


FOMO Bar: Fear of Missing Out Bar has a countdown displaying how long the earned discount coupon has until it expires. This bar shows right after users finish the game. It pulls a few emotional triggers that drive conversions to your website.


Reminder Bar: It works as a second chance to users that have accidentally closed the Pop-up or have regretted to close it. It looks similar to the Sticky Bar.


Invitation Widget: This on-site element is used prior to the Pop-up itself. It is more discreet and doesn't interfere so much in the user journey. It has 2 layouts: 1. Invitation Bar 2. Condensate circle.  


QR Code Campaigns: Designed for physical stores and events, the QR Code campaigns work just like the online ones but the Campaign trigger is the QR Code Scan.


Campaigns: Campaigns are set up to run for an indeterminate period of time with its own settings and displaying rules divided in several tabs (Templates, Pop-up Types, Design, Triggers, Rewards, Campaign General Settings and Segmentation).


Pop-up types: Spin the Wheel, Slots Machine, Pick a Gift, TNT, Scratch Card, Treasure Hunt, CountDown, Corner Pop-ups and Regular Pop-ups.


Campaign Templates: We aim to make it easier for users to get the campaign published with the minimum effort possible as well as with the best quality so we built a few templates that are available for free for our users. The templates are divided into "Use cases" and "Promotional dates". 


Campaign Designs: In the Designs tab you will be able to adapt the look and feel of your pop-up according to your branding. Using the sidebar options you should check how all the other elements of your pop-up flow are looking like: Invitation Widget, Reminder Bar, Pop-up and FOMO Bar.


Campaign Triggers: Displaying pop-ups based on users behavior is the best way to capture their attention and opt-ins. Select to display pop-ups after the following available triggers (After x seconds, Exit Intent, After visiting x pages, After Scrolling x% of the page). Also where you can decide which data to collect before approving the game session where Email is always mandatory plus (name, phone number and gender). All settings are independent in Mobile and Desktop. In this page you can also set up to redirect leads right after the game session to a specific URL.


Campaign Settings: Activating Email Validations, setting up frequency limits in Days for users after their first experience with Popconvert pop-ups, Campaign duration, AB Testing and Captcha Activation.


Rewards / Coupons Settings: Generate the discount coupons you are planning to give away for your fresh leads in your Ecommerce Platform and then fill out the coupon codes in the Rewards Page. If you are looking into using unique usage coupons, firstly you should make sure your Ecommerce Platform provides this feature. If positive, then you should generate and export a .txt file with the coupons organized in one per line with a max of 5.000 coupons per file. Whenever Popconvert gives away all your coupons you will be notified by email to refill them.


Campaign URL Segmentation: With this feature you are limitless about the personalization level of your campaigns. You strictly exhibit your campaigns for certain traffic channels like Google or Instagram. Or restrict the pop-ups to certain products, categories or steps of your conversion funnel. 


Leads Page: All your contacts in one page. Here you can check all the data you're collecting from your leads as Name, Email, Phone Number, Opt-in Status, Data of Creation, Date of last Interaction, Earned Coupon, URL when subscribed, Campaign and more. You can export to a .CSV file all the leads or the selected ones. Apply filters to create user clusters.


Dashboard: Everything you need to know is here. Besides the Google Analytics Metrics that we will approach in the next subject, our Dashboard will display data about: 

  • # of leads

  • # of Pageviews

  • # of Impressions

  • % of Conversion Rate


You can filter the results by Campaign or specific period of time starting on December's 7th of 2022.


Integrations: You should be able to connect Popconvert to any website compatible javascript code and the most used Email marketing tools.


Email Validations via API: Even though most subscribers fill out Popconvert forms with valid email addresses because they want to make sure they will get the discount coupon, there is still the Email Validation via API to make sure their emails are valid prior to accessing the game and the coupon. So if you have your Email Validation active and users don't fill out the form correctly, they won't be able to advance to the next step and will see an error message: "Invalid Email". This service is an Add-on and might be charged separately. Get in touch with support for pricing details.


Google Analytics: In your Dashboard tab you will find the Google Analytics 4 integration button. After clicking you will need to login into your Google Analytics account and select your conversion event. So GA will be able to track the conversions generated from Popconvert and new graphs and data displaying the amount of orders and conversion rates comparison of the different types of users <<interacted with popconvert>> vs. <<did not interact with popconvert>>.

Installing Popconvert

Installing Popconvert

  • Installing our script into your website: If you work with the main e-commerce platforms in the market like BigCommerce, Shopify, Shopware, Prestashop, WooCommerce, and many others, you can simply install one of our installation apps and the installation will be finished. In case you have a custom website or we don't provide an app for your e-commerce platform provider, no worries, our installation approach is super easy, by just copying and pasting our installation script into your website code you will get the same result, you can also count with the help of Google Tag Manager or other Tag Managers that you might have installed already to your website.


  • Creating your Account: Registering in Popconvert with the exact same domain address of the website you pretend to display your pop-ups.






  • Creating and Publishing Your First Campaign: Here we will walk through the steps of creating and customizing every aspect of your campaign. You can also simply choose one of our pre-built templates, insert your coupons, and get started with ease.



Watch our full video about "How to Install Popconvert?":







Where to find the installation script?



Integrations > Your Website




Setting up Rewards and Discount Coupons in Popconvert

Setting up Rewards and Discount Coupons in Popconvert


Watch our full video about Setting up Rewards and Discount Coupons in Popconvert







In this Campaign, tab is where each Reward will be put in place and activated into the game's probability.


Firstly, let's understand that discount coupons that are intended to be used in the website checkout right after the pop-up session must be previously generated on its own E-commerce Platform Panel and then inserted in this page in Popconvert's panel. 


Reward Types:

  1. Percentage: example-> 5%, 10%, 20%, x%

  2. Fix discount: example-> 5$, 10$, 20$, x$

  3. Text: example-> "Free Shipping"


Coupon Consumption Types:

  • Multiple Use Coupons: Coupons that can be used more than once.

  • Unique Coupons: Coupons that automatically expire after one use.


Unique Coupons Setup:


Firstly you should check if your e-commerce platform offers this feature, if they do, you just need to generate a .txt file with one coupon per line with a max of 5,000 coupons per file and upload it into your campaign. Whenever your campaign runs out of coupons we will promptly let you know by email.


Coupons Percentage Chance:


It is possible to determine the probability of each reward to be prized separately and Popconvert will calculate the final probability and display it in the side column.



  • Don't forget to activate the rewards.

  • Don't forget to create the rewards previously in your e-commerce platform or POS.

  • Don't create "easy to guess" reward coupons.


>Use are API to automatically create your coupons (Coming soon)

Setting up user behavior Triggers in Popconvert

Setting up user behavior Triggers in Popconvert




Triggers are responsible for displaying the pop-up after a user specific action or circumstance. Types of available triggers:

  • After x seconds: After popconvert script is fully loaded on your website, the script will check the settings and wait the selected seconds before displaying the pop-up or on-site element.

  • Exit Intent vs. Mobile Exit Intent: Exit Intent in Desktop is easy to catch while in Mobile it is a bit trickier, so we offer 3 levels of mobile exit intent sensibility based on user inactivity behavior.

  • After visiting x URLs: The user must visit a specific amount of different URLs before the pop-up is displayed.

  • After scrolling down x %: The pop-up will be displayed after the user scrolls the selected percentage of the screen.

  • Custom trigger: Use our API to create your own custom trigger. (Coming soon) 



Watch our full video about Setting up user behavior Triggers in Popconvert




Integrating Popconvert to Google Analytics 4

Integrating Popconvert to Google Analytics 4


Watch our full video about Integrating Popconvert to Google Analytics 4:





The #1 most used Analytics tool worldwide now has a new version: Google Analytics 4.


We picked the Google Analytics Conversion Funnel to make our comparison and your conversion events to measure the success of each session.


In Popconvert's Panel, you will find:

  • # of orders after interaction with Popconvert

  • % conversion rate of sessions with interaction with Popconvert VS. % conversion rate of sessions without interaction with Popconvert


In Google Analytics 4 Panel you can use Popconvert events and analyze the data the way it could make more sense to you.

Popconvert Metrics and Analytics Dashboard

Popconvert Metrics and Analytics Dashboard Watch our Video About Popconvert Metrics and Analytics: In this tab, you can track: - # of leads - # of Pageviews - # of Impressions - % of Conversion Rate You can filter the results by Campaign or a specific period of time starting on December 7th, 2022. You can gain a good understanding of what's happening with your campaign based on these data. If you see that you have too many impressions and j...

Personalizing your Pop-ups with Popconvert Designs

Personalizing your Pop-ups with Popconvert Designs



In the Designs tab, you will be able to adapt the look and feel of your pop-up according to your branding. 

Using the sidebar options you should check how all the other elements of your pop-up flow are looking like: Invitation Widget, Reminder Bar, Pop-up, and FOMO Bar.


Once you have selected the element of the flow that you want to edit, on your left-hand side you will have all the customizable items as colors, icons, texts, borders, and animations.


On your right-hand side, you might see your preview that will give you an idea of how your campaign is going to look like.


Text Fonts


Bear in mind that the Fonts of your pop-ups will be inherited by your main website fonts, so you don't need to worry if the Fonts do not look good at your preview in our panel, whenever you publish on your website, our script will be able to catch your main Font and use it in all texts of your Pop-ups. Soon there will be a section here to select specific Fonts or even upload your favorite one.


Check our full video about Personalizing your Pop-ups with Popconvert Designs




Popconvert's QR Code Campaigns for Physical Stores and Events


Popconvert's QR Code Campaigns for Physical Stores and Events


The "QR Code Campaigns" are created to bring interactive experiences to physical stores and in-person events where the traffic of people could generate new leads and businesses. 


Creating a QR Code Campaign is as easy as creating an online one, the only difference is that in the last tab step instead of setting up your Campaign targeting, you will be generating your QR Code.


Important Note: The success of your campaign is highly related to the visibility of the QR Code. We recommend using visual material in general (banners, rollups, posters, etc). It is also a good idea to let salespeople use it as a selling tool encouraging store pass-by's to participate by scanning the QR Code and having one more reason to go ahead and purchase.




Setting up your first QR Code Campaign in Popconvert:




The process is extremely similar to creating a regular Campaign with a few differences that I will point out below:

- QR Code campaigns only have the Pop-up element without all the other on-site elements and their flow.






- Instead of targeting your campaign to a URL, you will be able to generate your QR and decide where you want to send your subscribers after the conversion.




1. Sending subscribers to your website to use the earned coupon to purchase online. This could be useful if you have an established brand or physical presence and are starting online.










2. Generating a Coupon Certificate to be used on the Spot. This is very useful if you want to generate sales and promotions in Physical Stores and Events.





Leads -> Exporting Subscribers from Popconvert

Exporting Leads / Subscribers from Popconvert: 


Check our full video about Exporting Leads:







You can always export your leads from the Leads Page with the following columns:


  • Email 
  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Campaign
  • Registration URL
  • Lead temperature
  • Earned Coupon
  • Last Interaction date
  • Lead creation date




Apply the filters to create user clusters.

Installing Popconvert on your BigCommerce Store

Installing Popconvert on your BigCommerce Store



Welcome to Popconvert!

Let's skyrocket your lead generation and sales starting right now!

To help you out on starting off, I want to share some content we have created.



- If you are looking for a quickstart I would suggest this article.


- If you are looking for a Complete Installation I would suggest this article.


- If you prefer to adventure yourself and try on your own, It could be done easily, in just a few steps:


1. Generate the discount coupons on your BigCommerce Panel. (I'm assuming you already have created your account in Popconvert and installed our BigCommerce App Integration)


2. Create your first Campaign by picking an existing template and filling out in the Rewards Tab your created coupons.


3. Publish the Campaign to Start Collecting Leads and Increasing Sales in no time.



Check out our full video about "How to Install Popconvert on your BigCommerce Website".





00:00 - Introduction

00:48 - Registration

01:12 - Accessing the Dashboard

01:37 - Creating Your First Campaign

02:41 - Tracking Data and Filtering

03:44 - Different Campaign Types

05:06 - Customizing Elements

07:10 - Setting Up Forms

07:32 - Configuring Triggers

09:16 - Managing Coupons and Prizes

10:06 - Campaign Settings

Advanced URL Targeting rules on Popconvert

Advanced URL Targeting rules on Popconvert


Check out our full video about Advanced URL Targeting rules on Popconvert:







Targeting is a perfect way to insert the Interactive and Gamified Experience into a Context increasing personalization and driving more conversions.


This way is possible to target a Popconvert's campaign to be displayed only for traffic with the origin of a specific Google Campaign, specific product or group of products, and results of a filtered search with a product list. You name it! 


It works by filtering the website URLs with the specified filters or rules. If any of the rules are matched, then the campaign will or will not be shown depending on where the rule was added. For a rule to be matched, all of its filters must be satisfied If a URL doesn’t satisfy a rule from either the allowing list or the disallowing list, then the switch above the lists will determine whether the campaign should be shown to that URL.




CONTAINS: You should fill this field out with Keywords that must be in the URL of the pages you want to display this Campaign. For example: "shoes" or "female"

This field can be filled with part of the URL path, part of the URL query, or both. Ex: "female/shoe?utm_campaign=blackfriday". This will match URLs whose paths are like "/product/female/shoe/view" and whose queries are like "?x=abc&&utm_campaign=blackfriday&mobile".


DOESN'T CONTAIN: You should fill this field out with Keywords that must NOT be in the URL of the pages you want to display this Campaign. For example: "shoes" or "female"


IS EQUAL TO: This field should be filled with a specific URL. Example: https://www.mywebsite.com/shoes/product-shoe/.


IS DIFFERENT FROM: This field should be filled with a specific URL that you pretend to exclude from exhibiting. Example: https://www.mywebsite.com/female-shoes/female-product-shoe/.


START WITH: This field should be filled with a keyword or piece of URL that is starting the URL. But only the URL path will be compared. So, if you fill "https://domain1.com/home" and your user has the domains "domain1.com" and "domain2.com", then it will match both "https://domain1.com/home" and "https://domain2.com/home".


END WITH: This field should be filled with a keyword or piece of URL that is finishing the URL.

But if you fill "https://domain1.com/bag" and your user has the domains "domain1.com" and "domain2.com", then it will match both "https://domain1.com/product/bag" and "https://domain2.com/product/bag".


DOMAINS: This field should be filled with the website domain you want to display your campaigns.


QUERY CONTAINS: If you are running campaigns in different domains and the URL has specific query parameters you should use this filter.

If you fill "beach" in the field, it will match the query if it appears in any place, without taking parameters into account. So, it would match "?beach=yes", "?place=beach", "?action=visitbeachtoday", and so on.


QUERY DOESN'T CONTAIN: If you are running campaigns in different domains and the URL has specific query parameters you want to exclude to the targeting rule so should use this filter.


Disallowed URLs: Fill this field out with the URLs you want to exclude from displaying campaigns.

A/B Testing in Popconvert: Making Data Driven Decisions

A/B Testing in Popconvert: Making Data-Driven Decisions



Not sure about which game is more effective for your website? Which colors, copywriting, or set of coupons will convert more of your website users? You can easily solve this problem by creating A/B testing groups.


In A/B testing groups you can add several campaigns into this same group and the campaigns will be randomly displayed in sequence so all campaigns get a similar amount of traffic. Later on on the Campaigns Page you can compare their results or dive a bit deeper into its metrics filtering these campaigns on the Dashboard's view.


Watch our full video about A/B Testing in Popconvert: Making Data Driven Decisions




Temporary Campaigns for seasonal Flash Promotions in Popconvert

Temporary Campaigns for seasonal Flash Promotions in Popconvert


Campaign Duration: Want to run temporary campaigns to boost sales on low sales periods? With this feature, you can schedule campaigns with Date and Precise Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.




In this example, the flash campaign would be running from midnight until 5h00 a.m. on October 13, 2023.

Campaigns Limits on Popconvert to Keep you on the cool side

Campaigns Limits on Popconvert to Keep you on the cool side


Using Popconvert campaign displaying Limits you can limit in Days how often a website visitor should be seeing any of your campaigns after a first campaign impression.

Limits: This is an important section of Popconvert's settings. In this tab you will determine how often users can see your Pop-ups.


We have a few different situations:

  1. Users visiting your website for the first time.

  2. Users returning to your Website.

  3. Leads returning to your Website.

  4. Users getting impacted by more than one campaign on your website.

  5. Leads getting impacted by more than one campaign on your website.


Based in these situations we have created 5 settings options to cover your strategy for this specific campaign:


You can define if this campaign will be displayed for NEW VISITORS ONLY:



You can define IN DAYS if this campaign will be displayed AGAIN, for:

  1. For leads of this campaign (X DAYS)

  2. For visitors of this campaign (X DAYS)

  3. For Leads if other campaigns (X DAYS)

  4. For visitors of other campaigns (X DAYS)


Watch our full video about Popconvert Campaign Displaying Limits:




Email Validations in Popconvert

Email Validations in Popconvert



Email Validation: this feature is available for all paying clients as an Add-on. You should get in touch with our support to activate email validation for your account. After this activation, all subscribers will have their email addresses validated by a third-party API service that will increase the quality of your subscriber's database.


When the user inserts the email to opt-in, one API request will be made and after analyzing a few different aspects of this email address the API will return with a Score from 0 to 100 in order to determine if this email is valid or not.


Without a valid email, the user won't be allowed to opt in.




Watch our full video about Email Validations in Popconvert




Popconvert Integrations and how they work

Popconvert Integrations and how they work


Connect Popconvert to your favorite tools with ease. In this session, you are able to access our Installation script to be inserted into your website, landing page, or even in your iOS / Android Mobile App.


You will find here mainly e-commerce platform plugin integration apps and CRM / Email Marketing tools.


E-commerce Platforms Plugin Integration Apps and Website script install


Ecommerce Platforms: Like in Shopify, Prestashop, WooCommerce, or VTEX, when the Merchant clicks on "Install app", the first feature of this app will be inserting our installation script into your website. So if you have installed any of these apps, you should be good to go and the next step should be creating your first campaign.


Custom Website or Non-listed E-commerce Platform: Just copy and paste our installation script into your website code. Feel free to use any Tag Manager tool like Google Tag Manager for instance.


Email Marketing and CRM Tools Integration


Email Marketing / CRM tools: This integration will send the collected leads to your favorite Email Marketing / CRM Tool. In most cases, you will need to fill out the integration settings page inside your Popconvert panel exactly how your fields are named in your Email marketing tool. This way it is possible to send data automatically as Email, Name, Phone number, Registration URL, Opt-in Status, Earned Discount Coupon, Gender, and more.


Watch our full video about Popconvert's Integrations: 




Troubleshooting Popconvert's Installation

Troubleshooting Installation:


Check out our full video about Troubleshooting Installation:




If you are experiencing difficulties displaying your Pop-ups even after following all the steps correctly, there are a few ways to understand what could be going wrong.



1. Checking if the script installation was done correctly: With your website loaded in Google Chrome, Right-click with your mouse and go on Inspect. Select Elements, search (Command + F), and fill out "cdn.popconvert". If you find our CDN in your code it is very likely that you have a problem with the campaign instead of an installation problem. Revise the campaign, make changes, and save it to solve it. 






2. Checking Google Chrome Console logs: With your website loaded in Google Chrome, Right-click with your mouse and go on Inspect. Select Console and check the PCW logs. It will let you know a few different error logs, with those it will be much easier to solve your problem with our support or maybe even you will be able to figure it out since the logs are pretty straightforward and most of the cases are related to some campaign setting. 



Activating Captcha V3 in Popconvert

Activating Captcha V3 in Popconvert



Captcha normally is boring but the Captcha V3 isn't. Actually, it is invisible and unperceivable for the user. It will check the average overall rating of your website users and compare them to new visitors. If it finds their security rating is lower than average then it will stop bots or suspicious visitors from moving forward with subscribing to your Pop-ups.


Setting it up:


1. Create your Captcha V3 Keys, and select the Score Based (v3) option:





2. Fill out the Keys in Popconvert's Panel. In My Account > Use Another Form of Integration > Activate Captcha.




3. Finally, activate Captcha in the Campaigns you want: