Campaigns Limits on Popconvert to Keep you on the cool side
Using Popconvert campaign displaying Limits you can limit in Days how often a website visitor should be seeing any of your campaigns after a first campaign impression.
Limits: This is an important section of Popconvert's settings. In this tab you will determine how often users can see your Pop-ups.
We have a few different situations:
Users visiting your website for the first time.
Users returning to your Website.
Leads returning to your Website.
Users getting impacted by more than one campaign on your website.
Leads getting impacted by more than one campaign on your website.
Based in these situations we have created 5 settings options to cover your strategy for this specific campaign:
You can define if this campaign will be displayed for NEW VISITORS ONLY:
You can define IN DAYS if this campaign will be displayed AGAIN, for:
For leads of this campaign (X DAYS)
For visitors of this campaign (X DAYS)
For Leads if other campaigns (X DAYS)
For visitors of other campaigns (X DAYS)
Watch our full video about Popconvert Campaign Displaying Limits: