Quick Start with Popconvert

Quick Start with Popconvert


Welcome to Popconvert's User's Guide! 

In this article, we will show you the shortest way to get your first campaign up and running with no time following these easy steps:

  1. Generate the discount coupons you are planning to give away to subscribers on your Ecommerce Platform Panel. 
  2. Create your Account in Popconvert.
  3. Create your first campaign and choose a pre-built Template.
  4. Make sure all designs and texts are according to your taste in Designs Tab.
  5. Make sure you upload all discount coupons properly in Rewards Tab.
  6. Activate the Campaign and start collecting new leads and conversions.


Check out this video about Quick Start with Popconvert - The fastest way to launch your Pop-up campaign in your Website:



If you want to dive deeper on everything that Popconvert could do, please check out the next articles below.