Advanced URL Targeting rules on Popconvert

Advanced URL Targeting rules on Popconvert


Check out our full video about Advanced URL Targeting rules on Popconvert:







Targeting is a perfect way to insert the Interactive and Gamified Experience into a Context increasing personalization and driving more conversions.


This way is possible to target a Popconvert's campaign to be displayed only for traffic with the origin of a specific Google Campaign, specific product or group of products, and results of a filtered search with a product list. You name it! 


It works by filtering the website URLs with the specified filters or rules. If any of the rules are matched, then the campaign will or will not be shown depending on where the rule was added. For a rule to be matched, all of its filters must be satisfied If a URL doesn’t satisfy a rule from either the allowing list or the disallowing list, then the switch above the lists will determine whether the campaign should be shown to that URL.




CONTAINS: You should fill this field out with Keywords that must be in the URL of the pages you want to display this Campaign. For example: "shoes" or "female"

This field can be filled with part of the URL path, part of the URL query, or both. Ex: "female/shoe?utm_campaign=blackfriday". This will match URLs whose paths are like "/product/female/shoe/view" and whose queries are like "?x=abc&&utm_campaign=blackfriday&mobile".


DOESN'T CONTAIN: You should fill this field out with Keywords that must NOT be in the URL of the pages you want to display this Campaign. For example: "shoes" or "female"


IS EQUAL TO: This field should be filled with a specific URL. Example:


IS DIFFERENT FROM: This field should be filled with a specific URL that you pretend to exclude from exhibiting. Example:


START WITH: This field should be filled with a keyword or piece of URL that is starting the URL. But only the URL path will be compared. So, if you fill "" and your user has the domains "" and "", then it will match both "" and "".


END WITH: This field should be filled with a keyword or piece of URL that is finishing the URL.

But if you fill "" and your user has the domains "" and "", then it will match both "" and "".


DOMAINS: This field should be filled with the website domain you want to display your campaigns.


QUERY CONTAINS: If you are running campaigns in different domains and the URL has specific query parameters you should use this filter.

If you fill "beach" in the field, it will match the query if it appears in any place, without taking parameters into account. So, it would match "?beach=yes", "?place=beach", "?action=visitbeachtoday", and so on.


QUERY DOESN'T CONTAIN: If you are running campaigns in different domains and the URL has specific query parameters you want to exclude to the targeting rule so should use this filter.


Disallowed URLs: Fill this field out with the URLs you want to exclude from displaying campaigns.